Achieve balance and fulfillment in your life through a holistic approach.

Simple steps towards your transformation

Coaching is a beacon of light in difficult times. Whether we are going through a personal, professional or emotional crisis, coaching is a powerful tool to find the balance and transformation we need.
First step
The first step to start your transformation is to recognise that there are aspects of your life that you want to change and that you need external support to achieve it. Becoming aware of this need is the first step towards a more prosperous future and in harmony with yourself.
First step
Second Step
Request an appointment
The next step is to overcome fear and request an appointment with me as your holistic coach. Together, we will work to identify your goals and design a personalised action plan that will help you overcome obstacles and achieve the transformation you desire.
Second Step
Third Step
Show commitment
Once you have made the decision to transform, it is essential to show commitment and take responsibility for your actions and the direction you want to take in life. Recognising the importance of your choices and making conscious decisions will help you move towards the transformation you want to achieve.
Third Step
Fourth step
Take control of your life
Finally, it is time to take charge of your life and start enjoying the benefits of your transformation. As you implement the actions agreed upon during the coaching process, you will begin to experience positive changes and feel more satisfied with yourself. Enjoy this new path and make the most of the opportunities that arise in your transformed life.
Fourth step

My Methodology

Personalised online coaching sessions (in Spanish, English or French) are designed to guide you in your own process of growth and improvement. During these sessions, I will provide you with a confidential, open and honest space where you can gain clarity and the tools necessary to overcome your obstacles, discover your potential and achieve your goals. Through reflections, exercises and practices, I will support you in the process of finding balance in all areas of your life.

Online Sessions

Designed to guide you in your own process of growth and improvement

What are you going to get?

Clarity and the tools necessary to overcome your obstacles, discover your potential and achieve your goals.

I will give you

A confidential, open and honest space so you can feel comfortable expressing yourself freely.

Reflections, exercises and practices

I will support you in the process of finding balance in all areas of your life.

What is holistic coaching?

Holistic coaching is a creative and stimulating process that inspires the client to maximise their
potential both personally and professionally.
Unlike other traditional approaches, holistic coaching addresses the client's concerns at all levels: physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. We understand that when one area is out of balance it causes a domino effect that affects all the others. It is for this reason that we must analyse each individual with a comprehensive and complete approach.

What are the benefits you can achieve?

Through holistic coaching, I provide you with the tools and support necessary so that you can experience a wide range of benefits in different areas of your life. By working together, you can achieve the following:

I will guide you to find a balance in all the areas of your life and feel fulfilled in each aspect.

You will learn effective techniques and strategies to manage stress and anxiety, finding greater calm and serenity in your daily life.

You will experience a greater sense of well-being, finding harmony in your life.

You will see how your quality of life is improved, with an increase in energy, vitality and longevity.

You will discover your self-worth and learn to trust your abilities, leading you to experience greater happiness and personal satisfaction.

You will develop the courage necessary to face changes, overcome obstacles and learn valuable lessons from previous mistakes.

You will adopt an optimistic and positive attitude, cultivating hope and confidence in a future full of possibilities

Topics to work on

Through coaching, I can support you on a variety of topics and situations so that you can achieve the comprehensive well-being you desire. These are some of the aspects I can help you with:


We will work to build a solid foundation of confidence in yourself and your personal worth.


I will give you tools to overcome the fears and limitations that will prevent you from moving towards what you want.


I will accompany you in the process of healing and rebuilding you emotionally after a separation.


I will support you in establishing healthy boundaries in your personal and professional relationships.


We will work on freeing you from an emotional dependency on food and learn techniques to replace negativity with healthy behaviour.


I will help you cultivate healthy habits in your lifestyle and maintain them in the long term.


I will guide you to make conscious decisions aligned with your values and objectives.


We will work to identify and transform negative patterns in your relationships.


I will support you in breaking the patterns of self-sabotage that will prevent you from achieving your goals.

Together, we will explore these topics and many more, tailoring our coaching sessions to your specific needs and goals.

Prices for 1:1 Coaching Sessions

Invest in your well-being and personal transformation! I offer you different options to adapt to your needs.


Duration: 1 hour
Modality: Online or in person


Duration: 1 hour each session
Modality: Online or in person


Duration: 1 hour each session
Modality: Online or in person

By booking 10 sessions you will receive my book "Reach within and dare to dream" for free. This book will provide you with additional tools and resources to support you on your journey toward a full and satisfying life.

Coaching is for you if...

If you feel ready, prepared and committed to turn your life around and get out of the situation you find yourself in.

This process of personal transformation requires will, consistency and determination to embark on a journey towards an improved version of yourself.

If you are willing to explore new perspectives, reflect on your identity.

Challenge your limiting beliefs, emotional blocks and work on developing your skills and strengths.

Personalised sessions

Don't wait any longer to take the first step towards your best version!

I am here to guide you on this exciting journey of self-discovery and personal growth.